B43601 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

1/10/2018 3:44:06 AM

• Frequency converters
Solar inverters
Uninterruptible power supplies
Professional power supplies
Medical appliances

• Voltage derating (0.93 VR) enables 105C operation,more details available upon request
Extremely high CV product, ultra compact
High ripple current capability
Different case sizes available for each capacitance value
Capacitors with all insulation versions pass the needle flame
test according to IEC 60695-11-5 for all flame exposure times up to 120s

• Charge/discharge-proof, polar
Aluminum case, fully insulated with PVC
Version with PET insulation available
Version with additional PET insulation cap on terminal side available for insulating the capacitor from the PCB Snap-in
solder pins to hold component in place on PC-board Minus
pole marking on case surface Minus pole not insulated from case
Overload protection by safety vent on the base

• Standard version with 2 terminals,
2 lengths available: 6.3 and 4.5 mm
3 terminals to ensure correct insertion: length 4.5 mm

120 Hz
20 °C
Case Dimensions
DXL mm
20 °C
100 Hz
60 °C
100 Hz
85 °C
Ordering code
VR = 200VDC
330MFD 22x25 290 400 2.79 1.42 B43601A2337M0
390MFD 22x30 250 340 3.17 1.61 B43601A2397M0
470MFD 22x35 200 280 3.6 1.84 B43601A2477M0
470MFD 25x25 200 280 3.43 1.75 B43601B2477M0
560MFD 22x35 170 240 3.93 2 B43601A2567M0
560MFD 25x30 170 240 3.91 1.99 B43601B2567M0
680MFD 22x40 140 190 4.47 2.28 B43601A2687M0
680MFD 25x35 140 190 4.46 2.27 B43601B2687M0
680MFD 30x25 140 190 4.12 2.1 B43601C2687M0
820MFD 22x50 120 160 5.17 2.63 B43601A2827M0
820MFD 25x40 120 160 5.06 2.58 B43601B2827M0
820MFD 30x30 120 160 4.72 2.4 B43601C2827M0
1000MFD 25x45 100 130 5.74 2.93 B43601A2108M0
1000MFD 30x35 100 130 5.4 2.75 B43601B2108M0
1000MFD 35x25 100 130 4.56 2.33 B43601C2108M0
1200MFD 25x50 80 110 6.44 3.28 B43601A2128M0
1200MFD 30x40 80 110 6.5 3.31 B43601B2128M0
1200MFD 35x30 80 110 5.55 2.83 B43601C2128M0
1500MFD 30x45 65 90 7.47 3.81 B43601A2158M0
1500MFD 35x35 65 90 6.42 3.28 B43601B2158M0
1800MFD 30x50 55 75 8.39 4.28 B43601A2188M0
1800MFD 35x40 55 75 7.26 3.7 B43601B2188M0
2200MFD 35x45 45 60 8.26 4.21 B43601A2228M0
2700MFD 35x55 35 50 9.6 4.89 B43601A2278M0
VR = 250VDC
270MFD 22x25 330 460 2.68 1.37 B43601E2277M0
330MFD 22x30 270 370 3.09 1.57 B43601E2337M0
330MFD 25x25 270 370 3.04 1.55 B43601F2337M0
390MFD 22x35 230 320 3.48 1.77 B43601E2397M0
390MFD 25x30 230 320 3.44 1.75 B43601F2397M0
470MFD 22x40 190 260 3.94 2.01 B43601E2477M0
470MFD 25x30 190 260 3.78 1.93 B43601F2477M0
560MFD 22x45 160 220 4.42 2.25 B43601E2567M0
560MFD 25x35 160 220 4.28 2.18 B43601F2567M0
560MFD 30x25 160 220 3.91 1.99 B43601G2567M0
680MFD 22x50 130 180 4.99 2.54 B43601E2687M0
680MFD 25x40 130 180 4.86 2.48 B43601F2687M0
680MFD 30x30 130 180 4.49 2.29 B43601G2687M0
680MFD 35x25 130 180 3.88 1.98 B43601H2687M0
820MFD 25x45 110 150 5.49 2.8 B43601E2827M0
820MFD 30x35 110 150 5.11 2.61 B43601F2827M0
820MFD 35x30 110 150 4.73 2.41 B43601G2827M0
1000MFD 25x55 90 130 6.35 3.24 B43601E2108M0
1000MFD 30x40 90 130 6.21 3.16 B43601F2108M0
1000MFD 35x30 90 130 5.23 2.66 B43601G2108M0
1200MFD 30x45 75 110 6.99 3.56 B43601E2128M0
1200MFD 35x35 75 110 5.93 3.02 B43601F2128M0
1500MFD 30x55 60 85 8.2 4.18 B43601E2158M0
1500MFD 35x40 60 85 6.84 3.49 B43601F2158M0
1800MFD 35x45 50 70 7.71 3.93 B43601E2188M0
2200MFD 35x55 40 60 8.94 4.56 B43601E2228M0
VR = 400VDC
100MFD 22x25 1090 1470 1.68 0.86 B43601A9107M0
120MFD 22x30 900 1220 1.92 0.98 B43601A9127M0
150MFD 22x30 720 980 2.15 1.09 B43601A9157M0
150MFD 25x25 720 980 2.15 1.1 B43601B9157M0
180MFD 22x35 600 820 2.44 1.24 B43601A9187M0
180MFD 25x30 600 820 2.46 1.25 B43601B9187M0
220MFD 22x40 490 670 2.78 1.42 B43601A9227M0
220MFD 25x35 490 670 2.82 1.44 B43601B9227M0
220MFD 30x25 490 670 2.69 1.37 B43601C9227M0
270MFD 22x45 400 550 3.17 1.61 B43601A9277M0
270MFD 25x40 400 550 3.22 1.64 B43601B9277M0
270MFD 30x30 400 550 3.11 1.58 B43601C9277M0
330MFD 25x45 330 450 3.66 1.87 B43601A9337M0
330MFD 30x35 330 450 3.56 1.81 B43601B9337M0
330MFD 35x25 330 450 3.19 1.63 B43601C9337M0
390MFD 25x50 280 380 4.08 2.08 B43601A9397M0
390MFD 30x35 280 380 3.87 1.97 B43601B9397M0
390MFD 35x30 280 380 3.85 1.96 B43601C9397M0
470MFD 25x55 230 320 4.58 2.33 B43601A9477M0
470MFD 30x40 230 320 4.67 2.38 B43601B9477M0
470MFD 35x35 230 320 4.38 2.23 B43601C9477M0
560MFD 30x45 190 270 5.25 2.67 B43601A9567M0
560MFD 35x35 190 270 4.78 2.44 B43601B9567M0
680MFD 30x55 160 220 6.06 3.09 B43601A9687M0
680MFD 35x40 160 220 5.44 2.77 B43601B9687M0
820MFD 35x50 130 180 6.3 3.21 B43601A9827M0
1000MFD 35x55 110 150 7.11 3.63 B43601A9108M0
VR = 450VDC
82MFD 22x25 1320 1860 1.58 0.8 B43601A5826M0
100MFD 22x30 1090 1520 1.82 0.92 B43601A5107M0
120MFD 22x30 900 1270 1.99 1.01 B43601A5127M0
120MFD 25x25 900 1270 1.99 1.01 B43601B5127M0
150MFD 22x35 720 1020 2.31 1.17 B43601A5157M0
150MFD 25x30 720 1020 2.32 1.18 B43601B5157M0
180MFD 22x40 600 850 2.61 1.33 B43601A5187M0
180MFD 25x35 600 850 2.63 1.34 B43601B5187M0
180MFD 30x25 600 850 2.61 1.33 B43601C5187M0
220MFD 22x50 490 700 3.03 1.54 B43601A5227M0
220MFD 25x40 490 700 3 1.53 B43601B5227M0
220MFD 30x30 490 700 3.01 1.53 B43601C5227M0
220MFD 35x25 490 700 2.83 1.44 B43601D5227M0
270MFD 25x45 400 570 3.42 1.74 B43601A5277M0
270MFD 30x35 400 570 3.46 1.76 B43601B5277M0
270MFD 35x30 400 570 3.48 1.77 B43601C5277M0
330MFD 25x50 330 470 3.88 1.98 B43601A5337M0
330MFD 30x40 330 470 4.2 2.14 B43601B5337M0
330MFD 35x30 330 470 3.85 1.96 B43601C5337M0
390MFD 30x45 280 390 4.7 2.39 B43601A5397M0
390MFD 35x35 280 390 4.33 2.21 B43601B5397M0
470MFD 30x50 230 330 5.29 2.7 B43601A5477M0
470MFD 35x40 230 330 4.91 2.5 B43601B5477M0
560MFD 30x55 190 280 5.91 3.01 B43601A5567M0
560MFD 35x45 190 280 5.51 2.81 B43601B5567M0
680MFD 35x50 160 230 6.22 3.17 B43601A5687M0